He shares this in common with approximately 95% of rappers, many of who are equally as infatuated with weed and money. Wiz, in fact, doesn’t really have anything interesting to say. If anyone was ever unsure of this fact (they weren’t), then 17 tracks of Wiz endlessly, monotonously going on about smoking weed and making money should put all speculation to rest. Because all Wiz really wants to do, as it turns out, is smoke loads of weed and make loads of money. This lack of ambition (and lack of manners), this fundamental ‘give a shit’-ness, is of course what constitutes Wiz’s dull-as-chips ice-cool. I’m bitterly disappointed to report that Wiz at no point shits himself, masturbates or mounts a German Shepard on Taylor Allderdice, but then he’s not all that ambitious. “Taylor Ideology, homie” he whispers, and the engineer is almost moved to tears by the Wizdom. Wiz grabs the engineer’s wrist, and shakes his head, sagely. The engineer turns to him, his eyebrows raised quizzically, his hand reaching for the mouse to cut this piece of flatulence out. You can imagine him listening back to this in the studio.

Perhaps Wiz is saying that, in a Godless universe, there is no real reason to restrain your desires and instincts? After all, there’s one snippet on Taylor Allderdice where Wiz lets out a big belch in the middle of an answer before carrying on. The ‘Taylor Ideology’, as it turns out, basically means ‘doing what you want to do’. Khalifa takes a deep breath – not largely composed of oxygen, one assumes – and explains.

In one of the short snippets of interview footage that serve as fluffer material inbetween tracks here, Wiz is asked to explain the ‘Taylor Ideology’ (Taylor Gang is his group/clothing line/’ideology’). The funniest thing he says on Taylor Allderdice is entirely unintentionally funny – is entirely serious, in fact. Though, as a bona fide stoner bonehead, Pittsburgh native Wiz Khalifa often giggles to himself as if he’s just watched Harold and Kumar mistaking a dog poo for a Hershey bar, he’s rarely intentionally funny.