It is a solid premise and kind of like something that would have been in a 16-bit game back in the day, but a hell of a lot lewder! Hack, Slash, Screwed! Aradia is setting out on a mission to try and save as many girls as she can that have been captured and are being tortured by these evil creatures.

We play as a powerful and very hot warrior called, Aradia. The story of Night Of Revenge is not the deepest, but I do like the whole dark fantasy, kind of Dark Souls like setting of the game. If you want a lewd game that has substance to go along with a slick and badass style, you have to check out this game. Even when I died for what felt like the 1000th time, I jumped straight back in as the game was so addictive. Now, this game is hard as nails and you will die a great deal, but that is all part of the appeal of a game like this. Night Of Revenge is an epic 2D hack and slash Metroidvania style of game that I had a blast with. However, I think that is really what makes this game stand out from the many others like it. The hentai action is always going to be debate as far as what that is like. There is clearly a lot of love in the development of Night Of Revenge, but it does play it rather safe. You can dish out these badass combos and you have a decent selection of weapons that you collect as you progress through the game. The combat is rather basic, but I like it. You will explore this large dark and gloomy area, fighting all kinds of creatures. I like to think of myself as a more experienced gamer, but man this game kicked my butt and had me turning the difficulty down! Hey, there is no shame in that! The game plays like a Metroidvania style of game. The hentai scenes are very hardcore and the rape stuff never really sits well with me so that is something to consider. The game has a dark and moody look to it. If anything, I would say that it is kind of like a cross between Bloodstained and a 2D version of the soul’s games. I like games that go for a 2D kind of art style and I think that saying this is a 16-bit game is doing it a massive disservice. As I said the presentation in Night Of Revenge is great.